Political Campaigns

Political Campaigns

Unlike many other industries, politics are more competitive than most domains out there. Having 30% market share sounds amazing for a company. In politics, 30% of the votes won’t make you a winner. So in order to obtain political victory, one needs to keep some things in mind before jumping into a campaign.

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Political parties have invested heavily in election campaigning, making full use of new technologies, adapting their organizations and employing specialist agencies and consultants. As a result, the party of today, and the way it operates in the context of electioneering, is a significantly different creature to that of twenty years ago.

If need some campaigns giveaways ideas take a look at peritusinfotech.com, we want to avoid placing undue stress on the technological aspects of 4 campaign change, as this can lead to a tendency to focus only on, what might be termed, the “mechanics” of campaigning – i.e. on what campaigns are – and to give insufficient attention to, what might be termed, the “message” of the campaign – i.e. on what campaigns are about. This relates to a common criticism by political marketing specialists of the political science treatments of campaign professionalization

Campaign professionalization and parties
In this section, we elaborate on the three main areas of campaign change – technical, resource, and thematic – which were sketched out above, each of which has had consequences for the parties.


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