Upcoming Election Campaigns In India

Upcoming Election Campaigns In India

The Election Commission of India has announced by-elections to fill the casual vacancies in Lok Saba from parliamentary constituencies of North Eastern states of India As per the announcement the date of issue of Gazette notification is Jan 3, 2018. The last date of nomination is Jan 10, 2018 and the last date of withdrawal of candidature is Jan 15, 2018 .

Why it is so important to keep in touch with people? During campaign people get information from several parties and politicians by media but you need to reach your voters through Campaigns and update them with your best work and try to get attention.
 How it can be done? You have to find a communication channel that can allow you to reach to your targeted people & instant communication at any time & any place. You will find a modern channel to increase attention from people is called campaigns. Now mostly all people carry their cell phone everywhere with them. With this solution you can reach the people by the effective way at low cost.

If need some campaigns giveaways ideas take a look at peritusinfotech.com, we want to avoid placing undue stress on the technological aspects of 4 campaign change, as this can lead to a tendency to focus only on, what might be termed, the “mechanics” of campaigning – i.e. on what campaigns are – and to give insufficient attention to, what might be termed, the “message” of the campaign – i.e. on what campaigns are about. This relates to a common criticism by political marketing specialists of the political science treatments of campaign professionalization
Campaign professionalization and parties
In this section, we elaborate on the three main areas of campaign change – technical, resource, and thematic – which were sketched out above, each of which has had consequences for the parties.

We carry a great variety of election promotional items. If need some campaigns giveaways ideas take a look at peritusinfotech.com

Dial at- +91-991-095-7757


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